Interview with Robert (Bob) Dean: The arrival of Nibiru
Whereas NIBIRU could begin to see with telescopes common, ordinary citizens, as astronomers do not speak unless you speak or let them permission to speak, because we know what happens with the Moon, with no say "This mouth is mine" in any country in the world ... or in Germany or France or England in countries which call themselves "libertarians or free" ... well, as I say when NIBIRU possible with small telescopes to locate closer to home Earth, you begin to see looming
probably from the Southern Hemisphere near the Pleiades or the constellation of the Bull, as it appears there names are displayed in certain visions or predictions some years ago to date.
Sensation and surprise, plus the fear and concern that this system
planetarium will only lead to similar to the Crusades, which affected all
Western world of that time more than a thousand years ago and hopefully this will make
that humanity is a miserably and feel isolated and powerless to
stop all futile wars in all parts of the world, not only
promulgated by Bush and Obama, as hard for Obama to keep his word
withdrawal from Iraq, as is controlled from behind from behind or threatened by such
Joe Biden, a more Illuminati, who had been declared without disgust of keen
New World Order, putting his fake smile but that Caiaphas condemns Jesus
cunningly NIBIRU ... so that this would happen more as a Blessing
a curse for the world today, it will stop all conflicts.
And if that does not happen ... well ... there is no understanding of human stupidity
just ...
Here below there are several videos that are necessary to observe them, without taking sides
in them, something that used to get an idea of how serious the arrival of
NIBIRU and its junction with the Solar System.
Apart from the 3 pictures that are shown in this video are not NIBIRU
precisely because it knows that it must be from the south of the Earth and the
photo shows a palm tree just can not grow beyond the
Latitude 40 South, from where they could visualize something, and the data analyzed possible
here could fit into an actual picture if possible as they are considered.
Because here it is considered that NIBIRU cross the plane of the Solar System
around February 2013, causing the course before and after the month
devastating disasters on the Earth as very strong climate change,
exits seas and earthquakes continued, and a possible change of rotation of the Earth
several prophecies predict as to finish and left inert after
July 2014.
Interview with Dr. Laurie Nadel & Gregg Braden
After 22 years of scientific research, Braden's new book, "The Fractal Time" explains why 2012 marks the end of a cycle of 5.125 years.
They knew that the Earth is currently moving through the equator of the Milky Way? When we talk about the changes that are emerging in 2012, some of these visible changes on Earth are apparently in response to astronomical changes that are being created by the crossing of the Earth by Ecuador of the Milky Way.
In an interview with Dr. Laurie Nadel, Gregg Braden talks about the Mayan prophecies of 2012 and what they mean to us.
Question: You said that 2012 is not the end of the world but is the end of an era-a cycle time of 5.125 years?
Gregg Braden: Some people talk about 2012 like any other news story that you hear every day. Others who have not heard anything about 2012 say, "What's the big deal about a date?"
Question: Maybe they think they can be like the Y2K. (Effect of 2000)
Gregg Braden: Precisely! I was an engineer who worked in industry for the defense in 1980 when I began to hear news about the year 2012. Some people were literally saying, "It's the end of the world." Others said, "It's the end of the world as we know it." And some even said, "This is the beginning of a thousand years of peace."
All those I asked had a different opinion. What I discovered was that as a researcher in the only way I know what that actually dealt with the year 2012 was to understand the people who created the calendar that tells us about 2012. And the only way to understand them was to understand the great cycles of time.
Question: What do you mean when you say, "cycles of time?"
Gregg Braden: Our own science is telling us now that we, on this planet, our lives and our planet in general are under the influence of the great cycles of time, cycles within cycles within the cycles. Some of the cycles that we know as the cycle of 24-hours a day to day and night or 28-day cycle of women. But the major cycles covering such vast periods of time that does not remind of a civilization to the next. Our biggest current cycle is a long cycle of 5.125 years linked to an astronomical event that happened in the year 3114 BC
Question: Well, this is almost incomprehensible to people - 3114 BC
Gregg Braden: Ends December 21st, the Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012 DC
Question: And at that moment or that day, as you say the sun is going to move towards an alignment with the equator of the Milky Way.
Gregg Braden: What happens during this time and we must be really careful when we talk about it-there is an alignment that is happening because the earth does this little incline and this little bobbing through long periods of time. While the Earth is tilted and bobbing in its orbit, changing the landscape of the night sky. Changes our orientation in space with respect to its own center of our galaxy, the Milky Way galaxy.
However, our own scientists have discovered and are published openly - that the center of our Galaxy, the Milky Way is a powerful source of magnetic energy. The term they use is "magnetic filaments that radiate from the center of our Milky Way. From where we stand in relation to that power, it has a huge effect on the planet Earth. Sometimes we are much further and we are somehow ladeados and the effect is minor. Sometimes we are closer or are we inclined towards it and the effect is greater.
On 21 December 2012, we have a shot at a straight-shot line, without any obstructions caused by another planet or any other body in the solar system - where we have direct access to that energy field.
Question: It means that the magnetic poles will change and that we will have three days of darkness?
Gregg Braden: There is no scientific evidence to support that.
Question: I'm glad to hear that ....
Gregg Braden: There has been much speculation about that. The magnetic poles have reversed in the past indeed. I can say as a former geologist who can see that in the geological record, 14 times in the last 4-1/2 billion years.
Before, when the magnetic poles are invested, they had weakened to some extent before investment occurs. Although we have seen a decrease in the strength of the magnetic field of the Earth over the past 100 years approximately, but is much higher than the measurement is needed to reverse the probability that this happens in the next three years between 2009 and 2012 or even a year or two later, it seems likely to be a little weight. We have so many other things to worry about.
Question: There are new findings that show that we can think of time as an essence that remains the same rhythms and cycles that govern everything from particles to galaxies? We can think of these things that happen in time and place within the cycles?
Gregg Braden: The basic point is that time is essentially a wave that is moving in one direction. Right now it is moving from present to future. So the seeds for things that are happening today and the events as the 2012 is still going to happen has already happened in the past.
If you know where to look in the past, this gives us an idea of what to expect in the present and the future. Waves of Time follow natural rhythms, cycles and natural progression. This means that we can measure, calculate and predict when the seeds - the terms - for an event will happen again and again. This means we can take the year 2012 calculated in reverse, using the natural rhythms to the times in our history when the seed was planted for 2012. Noting the seed, we can determine when the patterns and events that happen in 2012 were put in motion. We can go to the geological record to see what was happening on the planet then. Or you can go to the archaeological record to see what was happening to the people to give us a really good idea of what to expect for the next few years.
Question: You spoke about the position of the Mayan end date of 2012, as has already happened in our past.
Gregg Braden: Absolutely!
Question: What can we do to prepare for what will happen in the next 2012?
Gregg Braden: To prepare for anything that is going to happen, we must understand what will happen. This is the importance of knowing precisely where to look in the past to understand what we are about to experience or what we are experiencing now.
Question: But you talked about Pearl Harbor and 2001 as dates have been years of controversy that occurred when in fact the United States, was attacked on both occasions. What are the other crucial dates to which you referred in the book?
Gregg Braden: For 2012, the record shows when we examine the history of the Earth at the ice in Antarctica for example, that preserved a record of the past of the Earth. When we look at these ice cores on the dates that are fractal patterns or seed for 2012, they tell us that at that time the magnetic fields of the Earth is weakened. The energy from the sun was stronger so the ice at the poles began to melt. The ocean began to rise, the climate began to change and weather patterns began to change.
Question: We are experiencing this now?.
Gregg Braden: and that is precisely the point. Earth has undergone through a major change? Yes, this means that something is wrong or something is broken? No! Always happens when we reach this point in a cycle. When we are at this distance from the source of energy in the center of our Milky Way, where Earth is tilted and oriented the way it is, apparently, this is what always happens.
Therefore, in large measure because we are experiencing major changes that many have predicted. Already we are seeing cities wiped off the face of the Earth near the coast too shallow. We are already observing earthquakes and large tsunamis. Already we are seeing aligning wildfires across vast open spaces. We are seeing millions of people who die of disease. The United States is blessed to be experiencing not so much, here, as elsewhere in the world. But such change can occur anywhere and everywhere.
Q: The message for ....
Gregg Braden: It's good that we plan and help others who are experiencing problems and feeling the impact of these changes. But here's the crux: The records show that geological changes are intense, quite intense, but are of short duration. They do not last for generations and so on. The archaeological records show that when civilizations reach the point in past cycles where we are right now, I made a mistake we do not want to repeat today.
Q: What was that error?
Gregg Braden: Where the world began to change, civilizations of the past did not understand the change. They began to fight each other for resources. In this violent competition for what remained when the world was changing, everyone lost. Nobody won. Civilizations collapsed. For example 20vo. Dynasty of Egypt absolutely collapsed precisely during this period of time and nobody knew about them until thousands of years later.
We are at a point right now where we must choose to work together for this short period of time to save us in this time of change. If we commit the mistakes we all lose. That is why this book is so important right now.
Q: Many good-hearted people feel unprotected when it begins to hear stories about ancient civilizations that collapsed. They think about the tsunami and Katrina, and it is very difficult for people not to feel appalled by the powerful planetary movements and fractal time. Because how can people have hope?
Gregg Braden: On my website, www.greggbraden.com you will find a link to the Global Coherence Initiative. When you click on this link, you can learn about the science-based initiative that allows each of us to learn a way of being that really influence the fields of the Earth. In other words, you can learn how to have a positive impact on what is this time in history. This project is about our relationship with Earth through a life based in the heart.
Q: What is an existence based on the heart?
Gregg Braden: A few years ago, our own science has discovered a radical and revolutionary changes in relation to the way we think of ourselves and the world. What they found is that when we create emotions based on the heart, such as gratitude, appreciation, care, literally, using the heart muscle to create these emotions, we are really doing is generating a magnetic field within our bodies that is part of the magnetic field of the Earth that is experiencing change.
The magnetic field of the Earth rises, falls and covers everything from the climate, ice sheets and sea levels. This magnetic field connects all life on Earth from a blade of grass to an ant, a tent or a goldfish, a hamster to us. When many of us together and created a common feeling, that experience is called "coherence." Coherence "can actually be measured. It measures 0.10 Hertz frequency. That is the measure of coherence created between the heart and brain.
Scientists first discovered about it during the 9 / 11 when our satellites to 22.000 miles in space began to record changes in the magnetic field of the Earth, when humans were feeling emotions about the September 11 and the World Trade Center. This is a surprise to science. They asked, "Why would people who experienced the September 11, may affect the magnetic fields of the Earth? There is no connection, does not it? "Well, wrong. They discovered that there was a connection and this has led to what is called the Project for Global Coherence Initiative.
Scientists are now building sensors that can measure these magnetic fields and suggest uploading to the Web site where you can observe the changes of the field in real time. Besides measuring the objective of this project is consistent to teach people how to create consistency in their daily lives. It is not hard to do something and you do not have to change their lives for it. They do not have to change their meditations, prayers or practices. It is a way to stay in our hearts while passing through the days that it is very easy to learn.
Q: This is something like a train or a kind of consciousness bio-feedback?. (A technique by which controls the personal bodily functions automatically monitor brain waves, blood pressure, etc.).
Gregg Braden: Is part of that. When we created this consistency in our bodies, it triggers biochemical changes around 1.400. The rejuvenation process begins. The level of the endogenous hormone-hormone-life-giving comes into our bodies. Our immune systems become really strong. Think more clearly. We become less aggressive. Magnetic fields of the heart are now being documented. We are facing the greatest challenges of the past record of 5.000 years of human history. While facing the great challenges of our times, we wonder "What can we do?" Here's what you can do. We can learn the language of the magnetic field that is creating change and helping to bring this field of chaos towards order.
We can influence the same fields that are creating change. Maya can not tell us how to end this cycle because we're writing the outcome of the cycle while we are living in it right now. Fears about the 2012 is causing great stress to many people but we have the ability to regulate the magnetic field by adjusting the way we work together, through our hearts. The key is: We need to gather together to do so.
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